Monday, June 8, 2009

Catastrophic neglegence

I woke up 2 this beautiful monday morning,thinking what a wonderful place this world is with all the things that i love sorrounding me.My tormenting mind had finally given me some space to feel a little better if not d best!Love,friendship,relationships...everything sounded calm & stable.the only thing that could make it even better was d complete dissappearance of d feeling of utter hatred & disgust 4 a person whose been wid me in my transitional stage....
i a'm a very difficult person to b wid...i've been a difficult daughter,a difficult sister,a difficult friend...i crave for attention...i crave for love...neglegence is catatrophic for me...
i want to live beyond my world of hatred,coz i know it'll grow stronger wid passing days..for people who already know i hate de'm b patient coz there will come a day when this mighty scorpion will sting u...for people who have neglected my feelings,i warn of a catastrophic future....just as neglegence have had a catastrophic impact on me...warning you is not my intention...i truly wanna let u know that m waiting for the right day...d smarter ones will know what i mean!!!!!!!!


  1. Not a difficult sister that much I know ...Expensive yeaaaahhh hehehehhehe

  2. "expensive" yeah...datz smthn i kant resist u kno!!!!
    good 2 know dat @least u don't consider me "difficult" bro :)
